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Ethan's Top Five Frustrations Women Express about Men They've Begun to Date:

1. Men think that the early stage of a relationship (the point at which routine sex can be gotten with the lowest possible commitment of time, resources, and personal energy) is a fine place for the relationship to remain indefinitely.

2. A man tends to overestimate his importance to a woman at the moment when she asks him "to talk about where the relationship is going." Men often assume that the woman has fallen in love with him when in fact she might only want some information.

3. Men overrate the value of their affection--regardless of its quality or consistency. That is, men always assume that a fraction of their attention is better than none at all.

4. Men's tendency toward outsized conceit (see #2 and #3) combined with the inability to articulate their intentions reveals them to be the most reprehensible of cowards. Shouldn't that grand self-conception carry with it some responsibility for treating the relationship with candor, clarity, and honor?

5. Men often ride along in relationships with one hand on the door handle. This fearfulness of momentum leads them to perform all manner of foolishness, including dangerous stuntman-like dives out of high-speed romances as well as more comical leaps out of relationships that have yet to leave the driveway.

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More on the above topic can be found in chapter 6: "Men and the Marriage Delay."


The complete list of Ethan's Top Five!

Ethan's Top Five Things to Tell Your Parents When You Are Still Single at Age 30 (or 35, or 40)

Ethan's Top Five Reasons To Be Happy about the Prospect of Being an Older Parent

Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why Cupid Still Has a Pulse on College Campuses

Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why a Marriage Delayed Is a Marriage Improved

Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why Being in an Urban Tribe Is Bad for Your Love Life

Ethan's Top Five Frustrations Women Express about Men They've Begun to Date

Ethan's Top Five Things Urban Tribes Should Avoid

Ethan's Top Five Guidelines to Dating within Your Urban Tribe

Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why Today's Young Adults Are Freer than any Generation in American History (Part One)

Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why Today's Young Adults Are Freer than any Generation in American History (Part Two)

Ethan's Top Five Stupidest Lines from The Rules

Ethan's Top Five Stupidest Things He Had To Read While Researching His Book

Ethan's Top Five Ways To Introduce A New Romantic Partner To Your Tribe

Ethan's Top Five Ways to Build and Maintain an Urban Tribe


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