Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why Being in an Urban Tribe Is Bad for Your Love Life:
1. Some tribes are not so good at making the friends-of-friends connections that are our best hope for finding love in the city. If the boundary of the tribe becomes too rigid, your social life can stagnate. One warning sign is when there are too many events to which only the group is invited. Tribes are best when they are part of a network that connects you to new people.
2. "Cock blockers" (i.e. a male who, through futile sexual importunings of every woman in sight, ruins the romantic chances of coyer males.) If they are in your group, these men can create a kind of force field that repels available women. Cock blockers are almost never successful and, like leprosy, often scare new women from coming to group functions.
3. "Queen bees" can be problematic for men and women in the group. A queen bee, usually an attractive and charming woman in the tribe, demands that all flirtatious energy be directed toward her. If a male in the tribe brings a new love interest around, the queen bee can be counted on to find that woman lacking. No woman, a queen bee will attest, is good enough to date the men in her tribe. She's sweetly protective but her motivations are greedy. For the women in the group, the queen bee is the equivalent of the male cock blocker.
4. Friends in our urban tribes often resist "losing" us to new relationships. They fear that if we have long-term romantic partners, we will no longer be available to them. This is an understandable fear because this is exactly what often happens. You can try to get your friends to accept your new romantic partner into the tribe, but:
5. Trying to integrate a new love into the group can be an exercise in frustration. Queen bees and cock blockers can get in the way. Also, there can also be ambient jealousy between the group and the new partner. This can cause simultaneous tension in your friendships and your love life.
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More on the above topic can be found in chapter 8: "Love Versus the Tribe."
The complete list of Ethan's Top Five!
Ethan's Top Five Things to Tell Your Parents When You Are Still Single at Age 30 (or 35, or 40)
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Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why a Marriage Delayed Is a Marriage Improved
Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why Being in an Urban Tribe Is Bad for Your Love Life
Ethan's Top Five Frustrations Women Express about Men They've Begun to Date
Ethan's Top Five Things Urban Tribes Should Avoid
Ethan's Top Five Guidelines to Dating within Your Urban Tribe
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Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why Today's Young Adults Are Freer than any Generation in American History (Part Two)
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Ethan's Top Five Ways To Introduce A New Romantic Partner To Your Tribe
Ethan's Top Five Ways to Build and Maintain an Urban Tribe