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Ethan's Top Five Stupidest Lines from The Rules:

1. "Trying on clothes by yourself in a dressing room can be overwhelming and confusing. . ."

2. ". . . Hike up your skirt to entice the opposite sex!"

3. ". . . Stay emotionally cool no matter how hot the sex gets . . . [in the morning ] go quietly about your business--brush your teeth, do some sit-ups and stretches, brew coffee. . .be casual and unmoved."

4. "There we were--a secret underground, sharing the magic, passing it on, doing what historically women have done for each other since the world began--networking for success."

5. "Don't be surprised if the man you're dating gets very angry when you kiss him good night in the lobby at the end of the second date rather than invite him up . . ..Don't worry. Anger indicates interest."

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More on the above topic can be found in chapter 7: Women and the Marriage Delay."


The complete list of Ethan's Top Five!

Ethan's Top Five Things to Tell Your Parents When You Are Still Single at Age 30 (or 35, or 40)

Ethan's Top Five Reasons To Be Happy about the Prospect of Being an Older Parent

Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why Cupid Still Has a Pulse on College Campuses

Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why a Marriage Delayed Is a Marriage Improved

Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why Being in an Urban Tribe Is Bad for Your Love Life

Ethan's Top Five Frustrations Women Express about Men They've Begun to Date

Ethan's Top Five Things Urban Tribes Should Avoid

Ethan's Top Five Guidelines to Dating within Your Urban Tribe

Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why Today's Young Adults Are Freer than any Generation in American History (Part One)

Ethan's Top Five Reasons Why Today's Young Adults Are Freer than any Generation in American History (Part Two)

Ethan's Top Five Stupidest Lines from The Rules

Ethan's Top Five Stupidest Things He Had To Read While Researching His Book

Ethan's Top Five Ways To Introduce A New Romantic Partner To Your Tribe

Ethan's Top Five Ways to Build and Maintain an Urban Tribe


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